Skap vekst med lojalitetsprogram

Loyalls lojalitetsprogram gir din bedrift full innsikt i gjestene eller kundene dine, og øker besøk, handel og speiselt i direkte kanaler.

Automatisk medlemsrekruttering

Enkel administrasjon

Økt lojalitet og gjenbesøk

Finn ut hvordan din bedrift kan ta nytte av å skape sterkere lojalitet.

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Loyalty made easy.

How it works

A person with payment card and earned bonus. A person who register on his mobile.

1. Easy Registration

1. Simplify Data Collection

The customer only has to register once and is done in just a few seconds.

Collect valuable data about your customers in a way that is GDPR-compliant.

2. Personal Customer Journey

2. Improved Guest Journey

Due to the tailored attention the customer journey will be personal and create engagement.

Enhance the customer experience by adding value and improving the customer journey.

A person with payment card and earned bonus. A person with payment card and earned bonus.

3. Valuable Benefits

3. Incentify Loyalty

Customers will obtain valuable and unique benefits such as bonus points and offers.

Create engagement and incenfity loyalty through personal attention and offers.

A person celebrating gift and bonus.Person celebrating gift and bonus.

4. Customized Offers

4. Generate ROI

Customers will get tailored offers based on previous purchases, interests, and information.

Loyal and happy customers will generate revenue and returns for your business.

Icon of a call bell which represents a hotelier.
Icon Retail

We create customer loyalty

Loyco offers a powerful Customer Data Platform (CDP) that consolidates data from various sources to deliver a comprehensive understanding of your visitors.

This enables you to foster and reward customer loyalty, resulting in increased revenue as loyal customers visit more frequently and spend more per visit.

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Customer Attributes Overview

Three reasons to get Loyco

campaigns and communication

Increase traffic with personalized rewards and guest experiences.


Empower staff with guest insights and administrative dashboard.

Analytics (2)

Automate loyalty through high-traffic channels and dashboard features.

Satisfied Customers Include

Explore our loyalty features

Explore our loyalty features

🔵 Case Study

The collaboration with Loyall has given us the opportunity to conduct loyalty work in an efficient manner. We can now offer our members the right benefits, and it is highly beneficial for us to be able to communicate both before, during, and after their stay. We see that our members are satisfied with the benefits they receive and often choose to book directly. That's why we say, 'It pays to be a member!'
Read Case Study →
Case Study Classic Norway

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